So, you’re looking to grow your career in the finance industry? Well, what’s better than becoming a CFO? Although it’s not an easy job, someone has to do it! If you wanna learn about what makes a good CFO, check this out. But today, we’re gonna be talking about what’s in it for you! How much exactly is a CFO salary in UAE? We’re gonna talk about that, what factors affect it, and how it compares to some other countries! If you’re serious about your career as a CFO, then read on.
What Factors Affect a CFO’s Paychek?
So, as with every job in this world, many factors affect a CFO’s salary. The first and main factor on our list is the industry in which they’re working. For example, fields like finance, technology, and more, are generally more lucrative. Second, we have the size of the company. SMEs will typically have lower wages than a well-established international corporation. Third, the experience of the candidate definitely influences how much they will get paid. Add certifications and advanced education to the long experience, and you get great wages.
Now, when it comes to the CFO salary in UAE, you can add more factors to the equation. For example, the salary can depend on which emirate the company operates in. Usually, Dubai and Abu Dhabi have higher salary rates than other emirates. Moreover, a local knowledge of the economy, tax laws and regulations in the UAE will certainly give you an upper hand! So all in all, the CFO salary in UAE will fluctuate based on all the factors we mentioned here.

How Much Is a CFO Salary in UAE?
The average CFO salary in the UAE varies based on factors such as experience, industry, and company size. Here’s an approximate breakdown though! So, when we’re talking about the monthly wages, it can range anywhere between AED 59,000 and 69,500 (approx. $16,000 – $18,900). And if you do the monster math, the yearly salary will be AED 700,000 to 830,000 (approx. $190,700 – $226,000).
So, if you’re thinking about kicking off a career in finance, maybe you should consider the CFO position. However, not all companies (especially SMEs) can afford to open up this position. Hence, they hire external services, like Noraal, to handle their finances. If your company is one of those, then you might wanna check out what services Noraal has to offer. Who knows? This might be your chance to take your business’s game to the next level!